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Metrix Learning In the News

The Power of Gamification [Whitepaper]

The innovative approach of gamification is a literal workforce development game-changer that integrates interactive challenges, progress tracking and performance-based rewards. It utilizes the power of psychology management to ensure knowledge and participant retention that infuses talent pools with sustained skills development.

Oregon Workforce Partnership together with Oregon’s Nine Local Workforce Boards Launches Free Online Training Program to Support Jobseekers and Skill Development

“We are thrilled to bring this resource statewide to empower Oregonians to improve their skills and pursue meaningful employment,” said Heather DeSart, Chair of the Oregon Workforce Partnership. “By removing barriers to training, SkillUp Oregon ensures that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to grow professionally and personally.”

WIOA Matters More Than Ever [Whitepaper]

The economy can draw only so much from capital and innovation; for real growth, it needs people—more specifically, it needs a well-skilled workforce. One of the labor force’s main resources for consistent and industry-aligned talent is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which has prepared millions of job seekers to meet the demands of the labor market. For the past decade, WIOA has been a driving force and conduit of federal funds to state and local workforce development boards.

Empowering Individuals: Metrix & Equus Announce Partnership

“Equus Workforce Solutions is thrilled to partner with Metrix Learning to offer learning content designed to help those we serve build the skills and knowledge needed for workplace success. In addition to providing our participants, clients, and students with the tools to achieve their goals, Metrix’s vast library of professional development content is available to our team members. This enables them to better serve our customers while also growing and developing in their roles, ultimately achieving their own personal success.”    – L. Bradley Williams, Equus Chief Customer Officer

Bridging Poverty and Progress through SNAP E&T Programs [Whitepaper]

Breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty starts by addressing families’ basic needs for safety and survival, while equipping them with the tools they need to improve their circumstances.  Investing in the fundamentals of human capital, such as shelter, proper nutrition, and educational support, is key to shifting these cycles.

Creating Pathways to Employment for the Justice-Involved [Whitepaper]

Several barriers can challenge individuals transitioning from incarceration towards a fresh start, but education can set them on a steady path towards success. Statistics show that about 27% of formerly incarcerated individuals are unemployed, about 5 times the national unemployment rate. Many lack access to workforce development and essential skills training, making it difficult to re-enter society which often leads to recidivism: the tendency to return to prison once released. To truly break this cycle, justice-involved individuals need the confidence and resources that will equip them long-term.

Upskilling and Reskilling: The Need for Continuous Workforce Development [Whitepaper]

In today’s constantly evolving job market, upskilling and reskilling have become essential strategies for both employees and employers. Workers who continuously develop their skills are better positioned to take on advanced roles and responsibilities, leading to higher job satisfaction and potential salary increases. Furthermore, the ability to adapt and learn new skills can significantly boost an individual’s confidence and professional resilience in the face of industry disruptions.

Greater Raritan, NJ: Digitizing Summer Youth Employment Readiness [Download Whitepaper]

Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board (GRWDB) enhanced its deployment of its Summer Youth Employment Program using Metrix Learning resources to energize young workers with incentivized online learning and career readiness support.

Pennsylvania: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Upskilling [Download Whitepaper]

As the pandemic pummeled Pennsylvania’s state employment rate, leaders quickly realized that silver linings were buried deep in the economic chaos and uncertainty. In collaboration with Metrix Learning, Pennsylvania executed a multi-pronged approach to address the lapses in equity, digital literacy, and employment with a malleable upskilling platform that continues to shape the progress of the Pennsylvania workforce and economy today.

Santa Rita Jail Pilot Program Empowers Justice-Impacted Workers [Download Whitepaper]

Hidden behind the bars of correctional facilities are glimmers of solutions that can reform patterns of recidivism while expanding the workforce talent pool. Metrix Learning deploys resources to rehabilitate justice-impacted individuals with a tailored virtual education plan.