Innovative features for your custom portal

Gold Standard Online Education

Using the workforce as the foundation and education as a catalyst, Metrix Learning elevates communities from the ground up. We understand that tangible results are the key to compounded success. From daily data reports to economic outputs, our system balances performance measures with inspired growth, showing continued progress for stakeholders and learners alike. Metrix Learning features:

Educational Variety for All Levels

We recognize that tens of thousands of course combinations are possible to succinctly align to a skill set. We offer:


Data analysis and expert consultation

Our consultants will design a targeted workforce development strategy for your community. Metrix Learning is dedicated to ensuring your success!

Consulting & Customizations

Across the country, customized SkillUpAmerica portals are popping up in economically progressive communities led by innovative Workforce Development Boards. Our portal acts as a hub that integrates eLearning and virtual career services for entire populations, including community partners and employers.

Our consulting team can provide:

Labor Market Research & Analysis

Using census and labor market data, Metrix Learning can identify growth sectors and in-demand occupations to provide a workforce development strategy that addresses current and future talent pipeline needs.

Customized Programs

Tap into our vast course library to customize learning tracks to suit your program area or industry demand. Our consultants can help design a package of assessments, eLearning, or certifications to meet your specifications.

Check out SkillUpAmerica for yourself!

Skillup America Thumbnail with Bridge crossing water